I have to wonder if Dwayne Roloson has played his last game as an Oiler? He is of course a UFA as of July 1st after signing his post '06 cup run 3 year contract extension. I've heard lots of speculation about Rollie: he wants to resign in Edmonton, he wants to play in the East closer to his family, but one thing is for sure, Rollie ain't done. And after the season he's had why would the 39 year old late bloomer call it a career?
My prediction? Rollie will sign a 1 year deal with the Red Wings this summer. Why? Closer to home, chance to win a cup, and play for a team that will limit his shot exposure, thus extending his career. He can't face 35+ shots a night and expect to last much longer, Detroit will have him probably averaging around 25 shots/games plus they will have a back-up that will be able to handle 20-25 games.
I would like to see Rollie back with the Oil for 1 more season, but at the same time I think if he takes off I can't say I would blame him. He deserves to do what's best for him and his family.
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